Where your family’s well-being is concerned, we’re more than a local fire company.
We are your unpaid, all volunteer fire company, always ready to respond to your call. We are prepared to risk our lives to protect others. We respond to many calls and emergencies: fires, hurricanes, downed wires, testing/replacing smoke detectors.
As part of our duties, we train and drill frequently attending classes 200 to 300 hours every year, both in Warren and at the Somerset County Fire Academy.
We check our equipment every month, and upgrade our vehicles when needed. Aside from serving our local town, we also respond to calls and emergencies along a strip of route 78 ranging from exits 33 to 40.
To keep protecting Warren Township as we have in the past, we urgently need new members! Joining us is a great way to serve the community. We welcome regular members age 18 and up, and junior members, starting at age 16..
Feel free to reach our firehouse directly at 908-647-2448, or stop by on Wednesday evenings after 8:00PM.